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How to setup Locize

Guide about how to properly configure Locize.

Table of contents

Creating Locize account

The app will throw an error if the NEXT_PUBLIC_LOCIZE_PROJECT_ID is not valid.

  • Tip: You can skip creating your own Locize account if you use the default NEXT_PUBLIC_LOCIZE_PROJECT_ID in .env, but note that new keys won’t be created automatically because LOCIZE_API_KEY in .env doesn’t hold a valid value and should be defined in .env.local with a proper value, instead.

  • Create a free (2 weeks trial) account on Locize
  • Make sure to keep i18n format: i18next/locizify (by default)
  • Make sure to select publish format: json nested
  • Add French and English languages (french is required for the demo to work properly)
  • Add a common namespace (and remove the default latest namespace)
  • (Optional) Update the src/utils/i18nextLocize.ts:referenceLng (set to fr for the demo), you can leave it to fr if you created a French version in Locize
  • (Optional) Add a production version, you won’t need it if you don’t deploy to production
    • Set the Cache-Control max-age header value (ex: 86400) for the production version (performances + cost optimizations)
  • Copy the Project Id and API Key from the Locize settings page to the .env and .env.local (NEXT_PUBLIC_LOCIZE_PROJECT_ID and LOCIZE_API_KEY, respectively)
    • The NEXT_PUBLIC_LOCIZE_PROJECT_ID is required for the app to fetch the translations
    • The LOCIZE_API_KEY is required for the app to automatically create missing keys to Locize, when working locally (See src/utils/i18nextLocize.ts:saveMissing option) This key is sensitive and must not be shared publicly, as it would allow anyone to update your translations through the API. (it’s not injected in the DOM when not working locally, so you’re safe for now) It is strongly recommended storing it into .env.local instead of .env, to avoid tracking it by Git.
  • If you have already configured Vercel, and if you want to deploy your app online, you must also configure Vercel secrets
    • vercel secrets add nrn-locize-project-id YOUR_PROJECT_ID
    • vercel secrets add nrn-locize-api-key YOUR_API_KEY

That’s it! Your Locize project is setup and ready to use!

Locize configuration video tutorial (12 minutes)

Locize configuration video tutorial

This video explains how to create a Locize account and configure versions, languages, namespaces, Caching and how to release new versions to production

Additional i18n/Locize documentation