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MST Amplitude Airtable Locize Sentry


July 2020

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Preset Diff PR Pricing concerns
v2-mst-aptd-at-lcz-sty - Branch Compared to v2-mst-aptd-gcms-lcz-sty Not free (Locize, Stacker)

It was released in July 2020 to take over v2-mst-aptd-gcms-lcz-sty preset and provides a few more features CMS-related.

In comparison, this preset features a built-in CMS (featuring Stacker) which plays very nicely with Airtable as a database (but can also use SalesForce and Google Sheets!). Also, it features “Markdown as JSX” advanced use-case, which may be very handy.

Built-in features

List of built-in features specific to this preset.

For an overview of features included in all presets, check out the “Benefits” section.

Feature Availability Notes about features
Tenancy :heavy_check_mark: MST (Hybrid) Deploys multiple tenants on different domains (ST), sharing the same DB and API endpoint (MT)
Analytics (Amplitude) :heavy_check_mark: Fine-grained analytics is processed in real-time (1mn graph latency on free plans)
Airtable API :heavy_check_mark: Advanced Airtable API support
Stacker CMS :heavy_check_mark: Advanced Stacker CMS support, with built-in “Quick preview” allowing previewing content from Stacker (iframe)
Static i18n support (Locize) :heavy_check_mark: Content for the platform is localised using Locize (menu, links, etc.)
Monitoring (Sentry) :heavy_check_mark: Errors are sent to Sentry in real-time (both frontend and backend)



This preset uses a MST design.

Therefore, there are 2 different demo available at:

  1., and its preview at
  2., and its preview at

Both demo have been generated using the same source code, the two demo live in a completely separated server and won’t be affected by each other (MST design)

The same database is used by both tenants (MT design), but the displayed content is specific to each tenant (theme, logo, etc.) (ST design)

Overall, we use a hybrid tenancy design that we name MST, which is due to a compromise between complexity (only one DB/API (AKA MT)) and security/performances/risk (multiple servers to avoid massive downtime of all customers at once (AKA ST))

Static pages

Most pages are built statically (SSG), there are some SSR pages to showcase hybrid usage (per-page rendering mode).

Due to SSG, the whole app is extremely fast, and very resilient. It basically cannot crash on SSG pages, even if our underlying providers are taken down.

Even if critical vendors are being used (e.g: Locize, GraphCMS, Airtable - because they hold our data), it doesn’t matter if there is an outage on their side because we only depend on them during build time.

Also, the cost is reduced when using SSG, compared to using SSR because we avoid real-time requests to extra services (e.g: Locize, Vercel, GraphCMS).

Storybook - UI components documentation

Check out the online Storybook documentation for this preset.

Each preset has its own Storybook documentation, because a few components are different.

Built-in 3rd party vendors

The following vendors are built-in with the preset v2-mst-aptd-at-lcz-sty.

Vendor Tag Has free trial Has free plan Potential discounts Install guide
Vercel Built-in :x: :heavy_check_mark: Friendly pricing for non-commercial usage Guide
Amplitude aptd :x: :heavy_check_mark: Up to 10 million events a month
1st year free (for startups and non-profit)
Don’t provide discounts Guide
Airtable at :heavy_check_mark: Free up to 1200 records per base (or 2Go storage) :x: If you’re interested about Airtable, here is how to get $2k credits for $50 (I’ve personally used it!) Guide
Stacker Included when preset features Airtable :heavy_check_mark: Free until you launch to production (no limit) :x: Get in touch with them (on Slack) to discuss discounts Guide
Locize lcz :heavy_check_mark: 2 weeks :x: May provide discount for non-profit organisations, contact them at Guide
Sentry sty :heavy_check_mark: 2 weeks on any plan :heavy_check_mark: Don’t provide discounts Guide

Clone locally

git clone nrn-v2-mst-aptd-at-lcz-sty && cd nrn-v2-mst-aptd-at-lcz-sty && git checkout v2-mst-aptd-at-lcz-sty

This will create a nrn-v2-mst-aptd-at-lcz-sty folder in your current directory and checkout the v2-mst-aptd-at-lcz-sty git branch automatically.

Cloning it once is enough, but it may be simpler to use one clone per preset if you’re trying out multiple presets locally :wink:

Local installation guide

This local installation guide is meant to guide you through the installation process on your own computer.


You must change the associated Vercel scope (it uses NRN own scope by default, because it’s required for our CI/CD Github Actions)

  • Remove the whole line "scope": "team_qnVfSEVc2WwmOE1OYhZr4VST", in all vercel.*.json files (this scope is NRN own scope, and you don’t have permissions to access it, so you must remove it manually. We keep it there to make our own CI/CD works)
    • Tip: Don’t forget vercel.json is a symlink and shouldn’t to be modified (run ln vercel.staging.json vercel.json if you messed it up :wink:)

You must be authenticated to Vercel from your local machine. Typically, if it’s the first time you use Vercel you’ll need to do it.

  • Run npx vercel login
  • Windows: You’ll need to run npx vercel login email@domain instead, because it doesn’t support interactive prompt.

You must configure all your Vercel secrets. The list of required secrets depends on your preset and are listed in the vercel*.json file you’re trying to deploy.

To create a new secret, use vercel secrets add nrn-secret secret-value. If you create a secret with a wrong value, you will have to delete it and create it again (there is no update feature). See vercel secrets --help

  • Tip: If you ever need to store files as secrets (such as ssh keys), see this solution

See each vendor documentation for additional information.

Install steps
  1. yarn - Installs all deps from package.json
  2. yarn start - Starts the app on http://localhost:8888/
    • Alternatively, on Windows, you need to run yarn start:windows

Awesome, the demo should be working on your computer now!

Note that it’s not yet linked onto your own vendor accounts, but it uses NRN defaults values instead. Configuring each vendor is probably the most time-consuming, but you don’t have to do it right away, it depends on whether you want to play around, or make a real project.

Vendors configuration

Create an account for all required 3rd party vendors below, and follow their installation guide

  1. Learn how to setup Vercel

  2. Learn how to setup Airtable

  3. Learn how to setup Stacker

  4. Learn how to setup Locize

  5. Learn how to setup Sentry

  6. Learn how to setup Cypress

  7. Learn how to setup GitHub Actions

Advanced configuration