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Quick start

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Table of contents

This short tutorial will explain how to perform a super quick (~5mn) local installation (for local-only testing purpose, without deploying anything online)

This tutorial uses the v2-mst-aptd-at-lcz-sty preset.

It doesn’t really matter if the selected preset fits your needs, the goal here is to give you a tour of what NRN can do for you, as quickly as possible.

Step-by-step installation

  1. git clone nrn-quick-start - Clones the Next Right Now repository
  2. cd nrn-quick-start && git checkout v2-mst-aptd-at-lcz-sty - Selects the default preset branch
  3. cp .env.local.example .env.local - Copies the default ENV variables from the example file, necessary when running the project locally
  4. yarn - Installs all dependencies from package.json
  5. yarn start - Starts the app on http://localhost:8888/
    • Alternatively, on Windows, you need to run yarn start:windows

That’s it! The project should work on your local computer! The demo should run locally, and you can start playing around.

If it doesn’t, read our tips below, or ask for help on github issues.


Deploying online manually

Read the default preset documentation (v2-mst-aptd-at-lcz-sty)

Windows concerns

  • On Windows OS, the yarn start:windows command should be used instead of yarn start
    • That’s because the yarn start command uses some bash script which aren’t compatible with Windows (unless you’re using WSL)
    • You might want to install WSL on Windows 10 to enable basic bash support
  • NRN v2 has been tested on Windows (on June 1st, 2020) and works correctly
    • Tip: We recommend nvm-windows as replacement for nvm (download the
  • When manually deploying (i.e: yarn deploy), the symbolic link for vercel.json (which points to another vercel.*.json file, depending on the preset) will not work on Windows, and you’ll have to create a vercel.json yourself (just copy the content of any vercel.*.json file)
    • This is not a concern if you don’t need to deploy manually from a Windows computer, as CI/CD will deploy properly (CI/CD runs under Unix)

Using Cygwin/Babun

It’s possible to use Cygwin/Babun to simulate a unix-like local environment. It’s not required.

It’s particularly useful if you encounter issues and can’t use wsl2. (e.g: Not available on < Windows 10)

If you don’t use Cygwin/Babun, check out wsl2.

  • Tip: Babun support has been discontinued in 2019, but it still works perfectly.
  • Tip: Windows 10 wsl2 may provide a better experience - What is wsl2?

:books: Recommended: Go through the Concepts section:

Learn more about NRN concepts before getting your hands dirty :wink:

:rocket: For experimented developers - or if you’re in a hurry:

Pick the Preset that best fit your needs and it deploy online right now!