Getting started
This section contains everything about how to get started with Next Right Now, as a boilerplate for your own project.
Here is the order we recommend:
- Pre-requisites: Make sure all required tools are installed.
- Quick start: Quickly get started with a preset and run it on your own computer under 5mn.
- Video tutorials: Check our video tutorial to get an overview of what using NRN really looks like, from a developer point of view. (Early 2020,
, outdated)
Want more?
- Folder structure: Understand the boilerplate folder structure in a breeze.
- Demo DB structure: Understand the database structure used for the demo (Airtable, GraphCMS).
- Vendors pricing: Overview of the vendors pricing and what you should be aware of.
Want some real fun?
- Dependencies documentation: Overview of NRN dependencies.